NR 103 Week 1-8 Mindfulness Quiz Solution (Answered) - Grade One Essays

NR 103 Week 1-8 Mindfulness Quiz Solution (Answered)

NR 103 Week 1 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: Through the end of 2017, approximately how many studies have been published on the topic of Mindfulness?
  2. Question: In the breathing technique you learned in part 1, you were taught to hold your breath for a count of how many?
  3. Question: One of the keys to gaining the benefits from Mindfulness is to…
  4. Question: When the stress response is activated, what part of your brain takes over?
  5. Question: How quickly does the stress response activate when it identifies danger?
  6. Question: What % of doctor visits are for stress related conditions?
  7. Question: Which of the following is a healthy habit that may reduce your chances of getting an illness or disease? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: Considering the Propensity to Illness equation, for many people, when their stress level increases, their incorporation of healthy habits in their life typically…
  9. Question: What percentage of nurses report stress related burnout?
  10. Question: Preventable medical errors are the ?

NR 103 Week 2 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: When you take a deep breath, which part of your body should expand further than the other, your chest or your stomach?
  2. Question: Warning signs you are in the stress response can manifest themselves in which of the following areas? (Select all that apply) Mindfulness Quiz
  3. Question: Which of the following are options to incorporate Mindful Moments into your day-to-day responsibilities? (Select all that apply)
  4. Question: When should you fill out the Sleep Journal? (Select all that apply)
  5. Question: Sleep deprivation has been linked to which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  6. Question: Death from all causes rises by what percentage for people who get less than 5 hours of sleep?
  7. Question: An exercise regimen is beneficial to sleep but you should avoid vigorous exercise how many hours before bed? Mindfulness Quiz
  8. Question: Research shows that most people should get how many hours of sleep each night?
  9. Question: Practicing Mindfulness you are focusing on the…
  10. Question: Identify the three items below that are important components to eliciting the Relaxation Response. (Select all that apply)

NR 103 Week 3 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: True or false, with Mindful Eating you need to focus intensely and exclusively on your sense of taste.
  2. Question: Benefits of Mindful Eating include with of the following? (Select all that apply)
  3. Question: Fill in the blank to this sentence: The __________ test can help you determine if you are truly hungry. Mindfulness Quiz
  4. Question: True or false, you should try to avoid snacking throughout the day.
  5. Question: You should pair carbohydrates with what to feel fuller and satisfied?
  6. Question: Consuming “empty” calories leads to which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  7. Question: True or false, individuals should choose protein and fat sources from animal sources for better health. Mindfulness Quiz
  8. Question: Which of the following is one of the tips reviewed to stay on track with good nutrition?
  9. Question: At what numbers on the hunger scale should you try to eat at to decrease the chances you will overeat?
  10. Question: If you start your lunch or dinner with which type of foods are you less likely to overeat?

NR 103 Week 4 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: Mindfulness can only be completed correctly when you are alone in a room with your eyes closed.
  2. Question: The hotel room attendant study found that the individuals who were informed that the physical activity they do for their jobs satisfied the Surgeon General’s recommendation for an active lifestyle saw a decrease in which of the following. (Select all that apply) Mindfulness Quiz
  3. Question: The benefits of exercise include which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  4. Question: Exercise has been … to prevent, delay and in some cases even reverse Type 2 Diabetes.
  5. Question: Which is linked to more deaths – obesity or inactivity?
  6. Question: Individuals who are physically active tend to have lower rates of depression and anxiety. And exercise is a very effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Mindfulness Quiz
  7. Question: The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that the average healthy adult get;
  8. Question: Studies have shown that Relaxation Response techniques have an impact at the genetic level.
  9. Question: Mindfulness has been shown to do which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  10. Question: Research has shown that exercise assist with which of the following; (Select all that apply)

NR-103 Week 5 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: During tests done at the University of Wisconsin, researchers found much more activity in Matthieu Ricard’s left prefrontal cortex in comparison to his right prefrontal cortex. Activity on the left side is typically related to which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  2. Question: Changes in brain function similar to Matthieu Ricard were found in both longterm meditators and individuals new to meditation with just 3 weeks of 20 minutes per day meditation practice.
  3. Question: What percentage of nurses report stress related burnout? Mindfulness Quiz
  4. Question: Results from another study at the University of Wisconsin suggested that which type of meditation could be a mechanism through which people may become calmer in the face of suffering?
  5. Question: The 70+ year Harvard Study of Adult Development found that which of the following had the greatest impact on the health outcomes of the study’s participants?
  6. Question: The Harvard Study of Adult Development found that which of the following … most to an individual’s health and happiness?
  7. Question: The Harvard Study of Adult Development found that individuals who were more … from others than they wanted to … which of the following in comparison to others in the study? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: The primary take-away from the Relationship Assessment activity you … is to do your best to get along with everyone. Mindfulness Quiz | Get Regression Quiz Homework Help!
  9. Question: The quality of a relationship matters most to an individual’s health and happiness.
  10. Question: During tests done at the University of Wisconsin, researchers found much more activity in Matthieu Ricard’s left prefrontal cortex in comparison to his right prefrontal cortex. Activity on the right side is typically … to which of the following? (Select all that apply)

NR-103 Week 6 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: Mindful imagery, or visualization, has been … helpful for improving performance of physical tasks and reducing stress.
  2. Question: When an individual simply imagines an action, the brain sends electrical signals down a chain of fibers to the individual’s muscles.
  3. Question: After 12 weeks, subjects who simply visualized themselves completing an exercise increased their strength by what percentage?
  4. Question: To increase the effectiveness of a Mindful imagery exercise, you should try to incorporate all of your senses and your feelings/emotions.
  5. Question: Which of the following better determines one’s capability to cope with environmental demands and pressures? Mindfulness Quiz
  6. Question: Emotional Intelligence is a static trait that is … in the individual and cannot … developed.
  7. Question: Increasing your emotional intelligence is likely to result in which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: Peak performance is more easily … when an individual has no stress at all.
  9. Question: Increasing your emotional intelligence is likely to improve your performance as a nurse because it may increase which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  10. Question: People watching is one way to develop your EQ.

NR 103 Week 7 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: You need to be flexible and young, as well as have a lot of time, space and a mat to practice yoga.
  2. Question: Yoga is a productive way to all eviatestress and help prevent some of the most common health aliments, such as headaches, back pain, and muscle fatigue among nurses. Mindfulness Quiz
  3. Question: A study conducted with ICU nurses found that after 8 weeks of yoga practice, the nurses reported which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  4. Question: Yoga helps to cultivate Mindfulness by shifting our awareness to certain experiences that may accompany a given pose or exercise. These may include which items? (Select all that apply.)
  5. Question: The breath is … a bridge between the mind and the body. Mindfulness Quiz
  6. Question: Nurses need to make self-care a priority. Not only can yoga, self-care, and Mindfulness result in better overall patient care, but ultimately it can replenish our own depleted reserves.
  7. Question: When encountering frustrations with technology at work, it is best to do which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: Studies have found a correlation between social media use and which of the following mental health issues? (Select all that apply) Mindfulness Quiz
  9. Question: The University of Pennsylvania study found a significant decrease in both depressionandlonelinessforsubjectswholimitedtheirsocialmediauseto how many minutes per day?
  10. Question: When encountering frustrations with technology at work, it is best to NOT do which of the following? (Select all that apply)

NR-103 Week 8 Mindfulness Quiz

  1. Question: A contemplation meditation can be an effective way to release the negative emotions and negative self-talk that may be causing stress and anxiety in our lives. Mindfulness Quiz
  2. Question: Mindful Imagery is an effective tool to help an individual improve their performance on a physical task and help them to manage stress.
  3. Question: When practicing Mindful Imagery or Visualization, you need to focus vividly and solely on what you would be seeing in that experience.
  4. Question: Mindsets to incorporate into your life for greater success include which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  5. Question: Your Mindset only impacts you personally, and not those around you, in a positive or negative way.
  6. Question: Your Mindset, whether it be positive or negative, can have an impact on your ultimate performance. Mindfulness Quiz
  7. Question: An individual with a Growth Mindset who is not able to successfully complete a task would most likely say which of the following?
  8. Question: An individual with a Growth Mindset would typically do which of the following?
  9. Question: An individual with a Growth Mindset has which of the following? Mindfulness Quiz
  10. Question: You have learned a lot in this course so it is important to incorporate as many of the practices and ideas you learned into your life immediately.

Mindfulness Quiz

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